My role

UX designer (solo project), UX research


June - August 2022 (2 months)


Figma, Notion,

Click on comments for foot notes!

Framing the Problem

Algorithmic reccomendation systems in streaming services prevent users from diversifying their music taste.


Community-based music discovery.

On Spotify, users should discover music through each other, with minimal algorithmic aid. Allow users to put their account on slow- where they can tune into the live activity of the users they follow, but are limited in their ability to select and skip songs.

White Paper Research

Research and Discovery

Abundance of choice in streaming causes decision paralysis.

Decision paralysis fits into the modern model of media distribution well. In the era of streaming, decision is an obligation, and it is exhausting. Drivers juggle with their phone at the wheel of a car, roadtrips that start communally and end with five pairs of airpods in full use; users have become increasingly intolerant of that which isn’t precisely what they want to hear at the time.